
Showing posts from April, 2011

Web2.0 and beyond , productive, unproductive or destructive ?

I have had a great week. I have been an investigative reporter, spotting such anomalies as gravel for the train tracks in B&Q packaging and misleading statistics on the train (see posts below). I have also been playing with some fantastic technology. The wonderful augmented reality browser for smartphones called Layer . I sat through a great presentation of a new consultant for hire/resource type company called MinuteBox which I thought was a truly great idea, I have just finished playing with Lockerz , what a great idea ! Having done all of this, I lay in the bath and began to feel slightly concerned. Because not only have I not really been very productive (whilst playing with these new found ideas), but I began wondering how productive some of the great Internet start-ups really are ? It reminded me of a paper I read some time ago by the economist Buamol, who looked through history and found that there were really three types of entrepreneur in any given society. One who is

A Bibliography on business, entrepreneurship and thier economic relationship

Acs, Z.J, Audretsch, D.B, Springer, 2005, Handbook of Entrepreneurial Research: An Interdisciplinary Survey and Introduction. Adler, Paul S; Borys, Bryan, Two types of bureaucracy: Enabling and coercive, Administrative Science Quarterly; Mar 1996; 41, 1. Ahlstrom D, Bruton G.D, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, March 2006, Venture Capital in Emerging Economies: Networks and Institutional Change. Aldrich H.E., Marlene Fiol C ,The Academy of Management Review, Oct 1994 19, 4,Fools Rush in ? The institutional context of industry creation Aldrich, H.E, Entrepreneurial Strategies in New Populations, in Ed., Swedberg, R, Oxford University Press, 2000, Entrepreneurship: The social Science View. Aldrich H.E., Argelia Martinez M ,Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Summer, 2001 Vol 25,Many are Called, but Few are Chosen: An Evolutionary Perspective for the Study of Entrepreneurship. Aldrich H.E, Ruef M, Sage Publishers, Second Edition 2006, Organizations Evolving. Austin J, Stev

Meaningless Stats

Have you ever noticed the barrage of meaningless stats that are ever present in our modern day lives ? From economic forecasts with no methodology to irresponsible reporting comparing for example "opportunity" in 2011 to that of 1950 (oranges and apples). Here is a sign post I saw on my travels today ... I wonder which genius came up with these stats ???